What We Do
Gifts Of Hope collaborates with town social workers, Voices against Violence, and other domestic violence shelters who identify families struggling with meeting their most basic needs.

All services rendered are confidential
We are contacted by service providers with requests for household goods, groceries, and help with urgent financial needs. Items requested are located on Facebook market place, Craigs List, community bulletin boards, community organizations such as the League Of Women Voters, Garden club, faith-based organizations, personal friends and acquaintances.
Our Programs
Financial Access Program
Those impacted by relationship violence often have limited financial resources with which to establish a new home and care for their children. This program provides the necessary monetary funds to help victims with rent, transportation, and legal costs.
Product Access Program
Local social workers or domestic violence service provider agencies work with survivors to make a list of the household goods, furniture, and clothing they need. GOHU then searches for or buys the items so that clients don’t have to call around to multiple agencies.